Sunday 10 March 2013

Unique for large proteins, DNA and viruses

March 10, 2013, Hyderabad, India –Membranes are unique for purification of large proteins and virus particles. Conventional gel beads posses 95% of the binding capacity within the bead and large particles cannot enter their small pores. In contrast membranes display huge capacities for large molecules.E.g. for DNA 10 times more dynamic capacity than conventional beads and for virus purifications gels cannot compete at all.

Sartobind membranes have been successfully applied for the purification of alphaherpesvirus, adenovirus and adenoassociatedvirus.

The Vivapure AdenoPACK adenovirus purification and concentration kits offer researchers a convenient way to clean up within 1-2 hours.

The LentiSELECT kit reduces the purification time of lentiviruses up to 8 x 106 particles below 1 hour. Both systems are scalable to production format.

Fig. 15: Adeno PACK for convenient adenovirus purification and concentration

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