Monday 18 March 2013


Exhibitions Alice Lem (far right) with her clients
Conventions Ong Sheau Ling (7th from right) with client, the Institute of Internal Auditors Malaysia
Sales team and chefs with their masterpieces

KUALA LUMPUR, 19 March 2013 Saying thank you is a simple gesture to express gratitude for someone’s help, support in any way, form or kind. As simple as it sounds, saying thank you is sometimes forgotten in today’s ‘rat-race’.

So it was that the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre’s (the Centre) Sales Managers took time off from their busy schedules to visit loyal clients to personally thank them for their continuing support. And as a token of appreciation, each (client) was presented a personalised handwritten message from Datuk Peter Brokenshire, the Centre’s General Manager and a 5-kg cake specially prepared by the Centre’s culinary team.

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