Friday 1 March 2013

BD intensified safe injection Campaign in India

February 28, 2013, Hyderabad, India – Becton Dickinson (BD), a Global provider of medical technology solutions intensified its safe injection awareness  programme in India. In an effort to educate people and healthcare providers the company has collaborated with the Govt. of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh apart from setting up a ‘Model  Injection Room’ in Kerala. The Company plans to roll out the programme across India. 

Ranjeet Banerjee, V.P. & G.M, worldwide Injection Systems, BD said, “ One in 12 people is infected by hepatitis. If you consider the WHO statistics for the incidence of hepatitis occurring due to unsafe injections and see it against the backdrop how common these infections are the widespread occurrence of disease due to unsafe injections becomes clear.”

WHO estimates that there are 1.3 million deaths of healthcare workers worldwide due to the rampant use of the unsterilized, re-used needles. While there are known figures for India in particular, they would no doubt be quite alarming too.

Mr. Banerjee further added, “Needle Stick injuries are a devastating reality that healthcare workers across the globe have to deal with the other way these injuries can be stopped is by flowing standard operating procedures to the core. This requires awareness and proper training”.

The Model Injection Room trains para-medical staff in safe healthcare practices so that they can avoid stick injuries and keep themselves safe.

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