Tuesday 10 April 2018

RT LTA present the SkyStar family of aerostats at DefExpo 2018

Alongside the SkyStar Aerostat systems RT's subsidiary  Aero-T will Present its SkyGuard1 large Aerostat system
Chennai, India - The Israeli-based aerostat company RT LTA Systems Ltd. will present its SkyStar family of aerostats, which includes the Skystar 110, SkyStar 180 and SkyStar 330 at DefExpo 2018, Chennai, India Alongside the SkyStar aerostat systems, RT's subsidiary, Aero-T, will present its SkyGuard1 large aerostat system at display in Hall 1, Booth 1.1 5E.

The SkyStar aerostats are a self-contained, versatile, and easily transportable tacticalsystems, ideal for defense, border security, HLS and public safety missions. Offering availability of over 85% in any given area, the SkyStar systems already accumulated more than 1,500,000 million operational hours worldwide.
Mr Rami Shmueli, RT's CEO said "We are pleased to present our renowned Skystar aerostat family in India, where our systems are already being used for several missions. We are proud to present both our tactical aerostat systems, the SkyStar family, as well as our subsidiary's large aerostat, the SkyGuard 1. Taken together, RT and Aero-T offer a family of solutions ideal to a range of different defense, border control, and HLS missions."
"Using an aerostat resembles building a tower of 1,500 ft. in only 20 minutes, and at a minimal cost of 10$ per day. No other defense systems, manned or unmanned, are as cost-effective as aerostats. " He added
The SkyStar 110 is a micro-balloon system, designed to provide field commanders with real-time "over the hill" reconnaissance capability. Protected by patent, the system is compact, robust and can be transported, assembled, launched and operated by only two personnel after minimal training. Pickup truck transportable, the system can be assembled and launched in only 15 minutes, for a 1,500 feet surveillance range.
SkyStar 110 Handheld Personal Ground Control Station (PGCS) is a compact unit that can be worn over a protective vest or mounted on a tripod. The SkyStar 110 is operational under extreme weather conditions with low operational and maintenance costs.
The SkyStar 180 is a small-sized mobile aerostat, designed for tactical mid-range surveillance and public safety as well as for police and military applications.
Based on a towable trailer, the system has a stabilized day/night electro-optical payload suspended from a helium-filled aerostat, tethered to a ground system. It operates continuously at wind velocity of up to 40 knots, and can lift a payload of up to 20kg will providing surveillance coverage from an altitude of up to 1,000 ft. for up to 72 hours after which it is brought down for a 20-minute helium refill. Only 2 people are required to fully maintain the system. SkyStar 180 is Ideal for defense, security, border control and public safety missions.
Skystar 330 tactical Aerostat is a modern, efficient and combat proven tactical system designed to provide its users with persistent, medium-long range, real-time tactical Intelligence, Surveillance, Target-Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR). Lifting the system's sensor to an average altitude of up to 1,500 ft. AGL, Skystar 330 is an optimal system for camp and force protection, counter IED, area capture and situational awareness.
Combining cutting edge sensor and intelligence gathering and processing technology with modernized aerostat technology, Skystar 330 Tactical aerostat incorporates lightweight and robust components together with high mobility structure in order to achieve fast and simple deployment on theater.The aerostat can be operated continuously at wind velocity up to 40 knots, with a break of 20 minutes once up to 72 hours, to enable helium refill.
The Skystar 330 can carry two different payloads simultaneously. Among the different payloads the system can carry are cameras, communication relay, Cellular interception sensors and radars.
SkyGuard1 is a large aerostat in a Blimp shape, which can carry payloads of up to 90 kg and reach altitudes of up to 1,000 meters.The SkyGuard1 has an ability to carry payloads of up to 90 KG weight, operational elevation of up to 3,000 feet (1,000 meters) and long endurance ability.
The SkyGuard1 can carry multiple surveillance sensors. Taken together, these abilities allow the aerostat to operate continuously for at 14 days. 

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