Wednesday 22 May 2013

Russian Helicopters congratulates the winners of the 21st Century Helicopters competition 2012-2013

Moscow / 22 May 2013 Russian Helicopters the winners of the 21st-Century Helicopters competition for 2012-2013. The awards ceremony was held at HeliRussia 2013. 

21st Century Helicopters is an annual competition run by Russian Helicopters in conjunction with Oboronprom’s Corporate University. This year there were over 40 participants, drawn from more than 15 specialist higher educational institutions including Moscow Aviation Institute, the Tupolev Kazan State Technical University, Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University and Far Eastern State Technical University, as well as leading helicopter industry enterprises.

The competition aims to attract young people to the Russian helicopter industry and create technological potential in the sector. Entries are assessed in two areas:

Case studies – practical problems currently being tackled by Russian Helicopters’ design bureaus and production plants, to a defined brief;

Six individual categories:
1.   Design development;
2.   Design concept for the VTOL aircraft of 2030;
3.   Market research into fundamentally new light helicopter models on the global market;
4.   Increasing the operating efficiency of helicopter development;
5.   Development of new aviation technologies and materials;
6.   Mathematical modelling.

During the first two stages, the finalists elaborated their projects painstakingly, taking due account of the requirements that the competition committee had set for each project on the completion of the first stage of the competition. At the second stage the participants were assisted by experts who provided advice on-line. A total of 15 teams made it to the final of the competition.
The final was held on 16 May 2013, when participants competed for the top spot in five of the six categories. Projects submitted in the category for research into fundamentally new light helicopters did not participate in the final, due to a lack of new ideas and their insufficient development.
Russian Helicopters is proud to announce the prize-winners:

Design development

No first prize was awarded. One team was awarded a prize for second place:

2nd place: Ilya Evdokimov, Konstantin Samsonov – “Development of the electronic control unit for helicopter engines”.

Design concept for the VTOL aircraft of 2030
1st place: Anatoly Perevalov, Ivan Lozovsky, Pavel Amplitov – “Blueprint for small, remote-piloted aircraft”.

2nd place: Vitaly Pavlov – “Vertical take-off and landing flying saucer”.

3rd place: Ramil Emeleev, Ramil Mirgunov – “Conceptual design of single multifunctional high-speed vertical take-off and landing aircraft”.

Increasing the operating efficiency of helicopter development 

1st place: Andrei Trofimov – “Draft-free preparation of production. Digital design of production processes”.

2nd place: Alexander Reinke – “Online manual for the repair of Mi-171 helicopters”.

3rd place: Alexei Bulanov – “Management of mechanical production based on CAD-CAM-CAPP-MES-EPR systems”.

Development of new aviation technologies and materials

1st place: Grigory Zemlyanoi – “Tangential fan-gate system for the centrifugal casting of slabs from titanium alloys”.

2nd place: Ksenia Filippova, Alexei Perevalov – “Development and implementation of innovative technologies to increase the physical, mechanical and operating attributes of composite materials in the structural elements of a helicopter”.

 Mathematical modelling

1st place: Denis Feoktistov – “Digital method for the measurement and calculation of the distance between the tips of the upper and lower main rotor blades of coaxial helicopters during their start-up and stoppage using video cameras”.

2nd place: Oleg Firsov – “Improvements in the modelling of blade aerodynamics as a way of increasing the efficiency of the main rotor of the helicopter”.
Case study: Optimised layout solutions for helicopters with flight cruiser speed of 400-500km/h
1st place: Pavel Panasiuchenko – “Advanced super-speed short-wing helicopter”
 Case study: Development and substantiation of the resources and methods to prevent neck injuries to helicopter crew and passengers during emergency landings
1st place: Vyacheslav Kalibovets, Roman Popov – “Development of a concept preventing injuries to helicopter passengers during emergency landings based on components that dampen physical loads”.
 Case study: Development of a concept protecting helicopters from static electricity and lightning strikes

1st place: Maxim Dutov, Alexei Khovansky, Anton Klykov – “Development of a concept protecting helicopters and airborne equipment from static electricity and lightning strikes”.

Russian Helicopters would like to congratulate all of the winners and wish them further success in their professional careers. Motivating young technical specialists is one of the key goals of the Company’s corporate strategy, with the aim of promoting engineering careers. Thanks to the successfulgrowth and development of the Russian helicopter industry, a number of graduates from specialist universities and colleges find challenging positions in their areas of expertise at Russian Helicopters companies.

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