Saturday 25 February 2017

What is Quinoa ?

Kolkata, India - Quinoa is a seed of a plant Chennopodium Quinoa. It is cultivated in the Anden mountain regions of South America for more than 7,000 years . In 1993 Nasa, USA scientists Dr. Greg Schlick and Dr. David L. Bubenheim concluded in their research that " Quinoa has desirable food qualities for long term space missions- high fiber , high protein and a desirable amino acid composition ." Quino is the And agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations.

What are the Health Benefits of Quinoa ?
one of the most protein-rich foods
High Fiber - Fiber is most widely known to releive constipation . It also helps to prevent heart disease by reducing high blood pressure and diabetes . Fiber lowers cholesterol and glucose levels, may lower your risk of developing hormorrhoids, and may help you to lose weight .
Low glycemic index - When used as a rice substitute , this will help weight loss efforts and regulate blood glucose metabolisim.
High Iron- It  keeps red blood cells healthy and is need ed  for hemoglobin  formation . Iron carries oxygen from one cell to another and supplies oxyzen to muscles to aid in their contraction.
Rich magnesium - Magnesium helps to relax blood vessels, transmission of nerve impulses, body tempature regulation, engery production production and the formation of healthy bones and teeth.
High riboflavin(B2) - B2  improves to help create proper energy production  and the for mation  of healthy bones and teeth .
High riboflavin B2 improves energy metabolism within brain and muscle cells and is known to help create proper energy production  as well as to protect
High maganeses - Maganese is an antoidant , which helps to protect red blood cells and other cells from injury by free radicals.
No gluten - Helps patients with celiac diseases .

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