Saturday 25 February 2017

A Healthy Rise Alternative to White Rice

Kolkata, India - The Golden Grain for Better Health from the Andean Mountains of South America

Nutrition Facts

Serving size
50 grams/ person/meal
How to cook Quinoa?
1. Pour 50 grams ( One packet ) in a vessel

2. Add Water and rinse well untill all Bubbles disappear.

3. Then add 100 mlwater and let its stand for 30 min.
4. Then cook Quinoa in pressure .
or electric rice cooker for 15 min
5. You will see the the grains germinate . It is normal for Quinoa
Once cooked, Quinoa can be eaten like rise.

1 comment:

  1. Woman is great Power .. woman is good salute

    journalist freedom of Power under PRB ACT
    AM i correct or not?
