Thursday 1 October 2015

Exploring business or research opprtunities in India

Calcutta, India, 28th Sept., 2015 - Whether you are an entrepreneur running a company in Europe are research organisation  or an academic at one of Europe’s universities or institutes. EBTC can help you identify and exploit the best opportunities for interacting with India is it in the area of bio-technology, energy, environment and transport.

Which services are offered?
·        Advice on technology transfer matter related to securing developing and marketing intellectual property in India.

·  Assistance in dealing with the legal, regulatory and bureaucratic procedures in India.

·    Promoting the transfer of clean technologies.

·    Identifying and facilities relationships with businesses, research      partners, suppliers and customers.
·        Access to leading –edge market intelligence.
·        Providing information on sources of finance.
·        Facilitating trade fair and conference participations.
·        Project development support.

Where to find EBTC?

·        1 head office in the heart of New Delhi.
·        3 regional offices in Mumbai, Bangalore and Calcutta.
·        Establishment of 2 additional antenna offices in planning stage.!

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