Thursday 1 October 2015

Computer Virus is mysterious and grabs our attention....................

Virus has divastating effect on the web world. It shows our vulnerability and interconnectivity in the web world. Virus is sometimes Called Vital Information Resources under the system.

Virus is a little program that its activity can destroy some files and a computer system. If you don’t open this program, it still inactive and could not destroy anything.

The virus program bought to you by an e-mail as attachment. It has a server itself (virus Server). Virus file attachment can’t go another there e-mail itself, that me called virus E-mail a spam.

Virus EMAIL would be sent by an e-mail address of any account that they found and cracked from some mailbox or address book of users from anywhere and identification of virus attachment has a small size (181-285 KB):-

It has extension file name such as below (don’t open it):

*. Scr / *. Clp / *. Pif/ *. bat/ *.exe/ *.com/ *. Txt / *.doc / * lhz/ *.rhz and some time it’s compressed by *. Zip file also by a fake name like this hot movie.
MPEG_Scr. Actually that file is virus file with extension .Scr

You could identify an e-mail virus forms their subject most of them contains an amazing statement or unusual words viz. the following examples (don’t open it):

Hi :)
Wean ^ _ ^ : ))
Hock =)
Hello! =))
Hello - :))
Hey, dude, It’s me ^_^
access Mpeg
Re: Text message
Re: Is that your document?
Re: Hot movie (MPEG)
Re: Information …..
Re: Important info
Re: This is your Photos! :)

and more & more... When you received e-mails with the subject matter as said above delete it straight away. Don’t open it anymore. Otherwise the virus sender see that your account still active.

Earlier viruses were pieces of programs attached to common programs like a popular game or world processor.

A person might download an infected game from a bulletin board and run.

A virus is thus a small piece embedded in large program. It runs only when the legitimate program is executed. This is how virus spreads. Virus creators got more sophiscated by using tricks like loading virus on the memory so that they could keep it running in the background till the system remains on or infecting the boot sector of the floppy disks and hard disks.

In general both executable and boot sector virus are not threatening any more as nearly every program comes on compact disc when are invulnerable by viral infection. You should use secure operating system like Linux, Solaris, and Windows Vista. If you are using unsecured operating system then buying virus – protecting software is a nice safeguard. 

Also disable the Compact disk booting (i.e. CD-Rom/ CD-Writer / DVD-ROM/ DVD writer to eliminate the risk of boot sector virtues coming in from pen-drive / MMC / Compact disks left in the drive. So, e-mail attachments in .DOC, .XLS, .GIF, .JPG are data files can do no damage to the computer like .EXE, .COM, .VBS are executable. Such files can do any damages once executed. Hence the only protect is never run executables that arrive via e-mail.

Please do always remember: Don’t make subject e-mail contains word looks like VIRUS EMAIL. Otherwise your e-mail would be deleted by recipient [S]

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