Thursday 1 October 2015

Effective Public Speaking

If a person wants to become a leader or achieve something in life he needs to interact with many people. We don’t have to be brilliant or perfect to become successful speakers. We only have to master the art of public speaking. Speaking in public means that we would have an audience who will listen to every word we utter.

The simple thought of speaking in public is enough to make most people nervous and can freeze some when it comes to actual speaking. The important thing to remember is that we are merely addressing a few people with some words of wisdom or whatever we have to say. Whatever be the number of people we should deliver our words in the same way. That is we should not get nervous, focus on the task at hand and get the job done. Few people are good public speakers, but most can do well if they prepare properly. The key to preparation is to know our topic inside out. We should take the time to make notes and summarize one’s ideas into small bits notes and summarize one’s ideas into small bits to make notes and summarize one’s ideas into small bits of information. expand on these bits during the speech.

We should try to anticipate possible questions and prepare answers in advance. The essence of public speaking is that we should give our audience something of value. If a people in our audience walk away with something of value, they will consider us a success. Addressing a group of students taking their first business class is different from addressing senior management about the company’s business strategy one must gauge the level of expertise comes of one’s audience and deliver accordingly. As the audience comes to hear us speak, so what we say should be relevant to them. The important point that is often forgotten is the room where we will be speaking. It is very important. We should visit the room beforehand and familiarize ourselves with the equipment and layout.

Talking in an auditorium requires a different approach than talking in a small classroom. We should have a good perspective of the room. Practice makes a man perfect to become a better public speaker, we need to practice.

We should focus on the message and must deliver & get our point across. We should build solid foundations for a successful speech by using our knowledge of the occasion, the audience and their expectations.

The important thing about public speaking is no matter how good a job we do someone will disapprove of either our argument or us. It is human nature to do so. There will always be a diversity of opinions and reactions as no two fingers are alike. Therefore we should never attempt to get everyone in our is not for us to get approval from our audience. It is to give something useful to them.

Humor is well understood by most of us. We all have weaknesses and when we stand up in front of others and show that we stand up in front of others and show that we are not afraid to admit ours, we can create a safe, intimate climate.

Being humble in front of others makes us more credible more believable and more respected. People can connect with us more easily. We become “One of them” and they identify with us. It also sets a tone of honesty and self-acceptance which people recognize in them as well.

Preparation is useful for any public appearance. On the other hand, if you know your subject well or if you’ve spoken about it many times before you may only need a few minutes to prepare sufficiently. All you might need is to remind yourself of the two or three key points you supporting facts.

Over preparation usually means you either don’t know your subject well or you do but you don’t feel confident about your ability to speak about it in public. -!

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