Thursday 1 October 2015

Computer Virus is mysterious and grabs our attention....................

Virus has divastating effect on the web world. It shows our vulnerability and interconnectivity in the web world. Virus is sometimes Called Vital Information Resources under the system.

Virus is a little program that its activity can destroy some files and a computer system. If you don’t open this program, it still inactive and could not destroy anything.

The virus program bought to you by an e-mail as attachment. It has a server itself (virus Server). Virus file attachment can’t go another there e-mail itself, that me called virus E-mail a spam.

Virus EMAIL would be sent by an e-mail address of any account that they found and cracked from some mailbox or address book of users from anywhere and identification of virus attachment has a small size (181-285 KB):-

It has extension file name such as below (don’t open it):

*. Scr / *. Clp / *. Pif/ *. bat/ *.exe/ *.com/ *. Txt / *.doc / * lhz/ *.rhz and some time it’s compressed by *. Zip file also by a fake name like this hot movie.
MPEG_Scr. Actually that file is virus file with extension .Scr

You could identify an e-mail virus forms their subject most of them contains an amazing statement or unusual words viz. the following examples (don’t open it):

Hi :)
Wean ^ _ ^ : ))
Hock =)
Hello! =))
Hello - :))
Hey, dude, It’s me ^_^
access Mpeg
Re: Text message
Re: Is that your document?
Re: Hot movie (MPEG)
Re: Information …..
Re: Important info
Re: This is your Photos! :)

and more & more... When you received e-mails with the subject matter as said above delete it straight away. Don’t open it anymore. Otherwise the virus sender see that your account still active.

Earlier viruses were pieces of programs attached to common programs like a popular game or world processor.

A person might download an infected game from a bulletin board and run.

A virus is thus a small piece embedded in large program. It runs only when the legitimate program is executed. This is how virus spreads. Virus creators got more sophiscated by using tricks like loading virus on the memory so that they could keep it running in the background till the system remains on or infecting the boot sector of the floppy disks and hard disks.

In general both executable and boot sector virus are not threatening any more as nearly every program comes on compact disc when are invulnerable by viral infection. You should use secure operating system like Linux, Solaris, and Windows Vista. If you are using unsecured operating system then buying virus – protecting software is a nice safeguard. 

Also disable the Compact disk booting (i.e. CD-Rom/ CD-Writer / DVD-ROM/ DVD writer to eliminate the risk of boot sector virtues coming in from pen-drive / MMC / Compact disks left in the drive. So, e-mail attachments in .DOC, .XLS, .GIF, .JPG are data files can do no damage to the computer like .EXE, .COM, .VBS are executable. Such files can do any damages once executed. Hence the only protect is never run executables that arrive via e-mail.

Please do always remember: Don’t make subject e-mail contains word looks like VIRUS EMAIL. Otherwise your e-mail would be deleted by recipient [S]

Effective Public Speaking

If a person wants to become a leader or achieve something in life he needs to interact with many people. We don’t have to be brilliant or perfect to become successful speakers. We only have to master the art of public speaking. Speaking in public means that we would have an audience who will listen to every word we utter.

The simple thought of speaking in public is enough to make most people nervous and can freeze some when it comes to actual speaking. The important thing to remember is that we are merely addressing a few people with some words of wisdom or whatever we have to say. Whatever be the number of people we should deliver our words in the same way. That is we should not get nervous, focus on the task at hand and get the job done. Few people are good public speakers, but most can do well if they prepare properly. The key to preparation is to know our topic inside out. We should take the time to make notes and summarize one’s ideas into small bits notes and summarize one’s ideas into small bits to make notes and summarize one’s ideas into small bits of information. expand on these bits during the speech.

We should try to anticipate possible questions and prepare answers in advance. The essence of public speaking is that we should give our audience something of value. If a people in our audience walk away with something of value, they will consider us a success. Addressing a group of students taking their first business class is different from addressing senior management about the company’s business strategy one must gauge the level of expertise comes of one’s audience and deliver accordingly. As the audience comes to hear us speak, so what we say should be relevant to them. The important point that is often forgotten is the room where we will be speaking. It is very important. We should visit the room beforehand and familiarize ourselves with the equipment and layout.

Talking in an auditorium requires a different approach than talking in a small classroom. We should have a good perspective of the room. Practice makes a man perfect to become a better public speaker, we need to practice.

We should focus on the message and must deliver & get our point across. We should build solid foundations for a successful speech by using our knowledge of the occasion, the audience and their expectations.

The important thing about public speaking is no matter how good a job we do someone will disapprove of either our argument or us. It is human nature to do so. There will always be a diversity of opinions and reactions as no two fingers are alike. Therefore we should never attempt to get everyone in our is not for us to get approval from our audience. It is to give something useful to them.

Humor is well understood by most of us. We all have weaknesses and when we stand up in front of others and show that we stand up in front of others and show that we are not afraid to admit ours, we can create a safe, intimate climate.

Being humble in front of others makes us more credible more believable and more respected. People can connect with us more easily. We become “One of them” and they identify with us. It also sets a tone of honesty and self-acceptance which people recognize in them as well.

Preparation is useful for any public appearance. On the other hand, if you know your subject well or if you’ve spoken about it many times before you may only need a few minutes to prepare sufficiently. All you might need is to remind yourself of the two or three key points you supporting facts.

Over preparation usually means you either don’t know your subject well or you do but you don’t feel confident about your ability to speak about it in public. -!

Exploring business or research opprtunities in India

Calcutta, India, 28th Sept., 2015 - Whether you are an entrepreneur running a company in Europe are research organisation  or an academic at one of Europe’s universities or institutes. EBTC can help you identify and exploit the best opportunities for interacting with India is it in the area of bio-technology, energy, environment and transport.

Which services are offered?
·        Advice on technology transfer matter related to securing developing and marketing intellectual property in India.

·  Assistance in dealing with the legal, regulatory and bureaucratic procedures in India.

·    Promoting the transfer of clean technologies.

·    Identifying and facilities relationships with businesses, research      partners, suppliers and customers.
·        Access to leading –edge market intelligence.
·        Providing information on sources of finance.
·        Facilitating trade fair and conference participations.
·        Project development support.

Where to find EBTC?

·        1 head office in the heart of New Delhi.
·        3 regional offices in Mumbai, Bangalore and Calcutta.
·        Establishment of 2 additional antenna offices in planning stage.!

Huge Potential to develop India as an MRO hub

Calcutta, India, 29th Sept., 2015 - India is one of the fastest growing aviation markets and currently the ninth largest civil aviation market in the world and currently the ninth largest civil aviation market in the world. In the year 2020, passenger traffic at Indian airport is expected to increase from 159.3 m to 450 m in 2012-2013 and more than 85 International airlines operate to India and 5 Indian carriers connect over 40 countries.

India is expected to be 3rd largest aviation market by 2020 and 50 airports under low cost model to develop all over the country incl. under PPP mode. Travel and Tourism market is forecasted to grow 7.9% to $ 270.5 billion in the year 2023 from $ 119.4 billion in 2012.Spending on business travel is estimated to increase to $ 85.6 million in 2023 from $ 30.9 billion in 2013, while that on leisure travel is forecasted to increase to $ 221.8 billion from $ 77.8 billion. Development of disaster relief. tourism, medical evacuation and services is an window of opportunity opening in Indian Market. For Helicopters manufactuers.

Due to the sheer have a significant growth opptunities.

Opportunities :
·       The Indian aviation sector likely to see investments totalling $ 12.1 billion during the Twelfith 5 year plan.

·       Huge potential to develop India as an MRO hub.

·       MRO facilities are developed at  Gurgaon.

·  Success of PPP formats will increase investments in existing and greenfield airports.

·       Indian airline companies spend over 13-15% of their revenues on maintenance which is the second cost component after fuel.

·       Leverage on Non-aeronautical reveues improved technology.

·       Future  operators will benefit from greater operational 
    effiency due to satellite based navigator systems like ‘ Project Gagan’ which is in develoment Phase. -!

A Royal journey Beckons

Calcutta, India, 14th Sept., 2015- Welcome aboard the golden chariot.
A Spectacular journey of discovery through the empires that shaped the history of the Land. Get ready  for a thousand stories. Mighty waterfalls with Exotic jungles , Vargin beaches and silent valleys.

When you come back tired, two fine dining restaurants along with a lounch bar, a spa and a gym await you. Not to mention, the ultra – luxurious cabins designed in arcitectural styles that flaunt the rich heritage of  Karnataka.- @ Incredible India karnataka one state!

Airbus wide body family

Airbus's family of twin-aisle aircraft is the most advanced, streamlined and comprehensive fleet up in the industry.These planes offer airlines the smartest most efficient way to capitalize on the extraordinary growth in medium and long-haul air travel across the world. As demand on these routes surges thanks to rising wealth levels in the emerging economics nearly 7,200 new twin-aisle aircraft are likely to be needed over the next 20 years to keep pace.

The A330, the A350XWB and the allow airlines to cover all of their wide-body requirements from regional to low-cost flights and from long-haul air travel across the world. As demand on these routes surges thanks to rising waelth over the next 20 years to keep pace.

The A330, the A350XWB and the A380 allow airlines to cover all of their wide-body requrements from regional to low-cost flights, and from long-haul journeys between the world's rapid;ly-growing mega-cities, the ever-busier 'hubs' of global air travel to newer routes linking smaller but equally far-apart airports.

The A350 XWB is the world's most advanced passenger jet delivering a 25% improvement in fuel efficiency compared with its closest competitor. Qatar Airways the launch customer is receive the first A350 in the fourth quarter of 2014.
The aircraft has three variants all designedv for long-haul flights ( with the same range of up to 8,500nm):the A350-800(276 seats in a typical two-class layout), the A350-900(315 seats) and the A350-100 (369 seats).This gives airlines flexibility with an option to match capacity to demand on every long-haul route.
The A350 XWB's remarkable fuel-efficency is the result of cutting-edge technology. More than two-thirds of the plane's airframe is made from composite materials, titanium and advanced aluminium alloys. and its fuselage is bult from carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic.The latest aerodynamics sharpen the A350's operational efficiency while its Rolls-Royce Trent XWB engines use the most advanced propulsion technology.

All of which will bring airlings a significant cost advantage in a prolonged era of high and volatile fuel prices. The A350 will cost 25% less to run than the Boeing 777 and 8% less than the 787. As well as being more fuel efficiency, the plane will also less to maintain :its air frame for i.e. is more resisitqant to corrosion and fatigue than metallic structures. The three variants also share the same desgin blueprint further reducing operating costs: there are matching engines systems and spare parts and pilots can not only fly all three A350 variants with the same 'type rating' but also the A330. The A350 XWB will emit up to 25% less CO2 than the privious generation of aircraft in its category and an amount well below the stricter regulatory limits expected in years beyond.

A380 :
The A380 is the world's largest passenger jet. It's critical to ensuring that the relentless increase in long-haul flights between the world's busiest airports is orderly and well managed as global demand for air travel continues to double every 15 years.

This double-deckerplane with a range of 8,500nm typically seats 525 passengers. Whatever class passengers fly in they can all enjoy the A380's uniquely comfortable cabins with their spaciousness low level of noise and high-quality air.
The A380, airlines can carry up to 40% more passengers tahn the Boeing 747 on the busiest and most valuable routes between the world's biggest 'hub' airports and thus generate more revenues and higher profits. The A380 offers more seats at peak time -slots, when they are most valuable and popular. That gives more passengers the opprtunity to fly at their preferred time. Over the next two decades, dozens more such large- scale airports will develop to serve the new mega-cities that are emerging on the back rapid urbanisation especially in Asia.

Its seventh year of commercial service, the A380 fleet carries more than 2 million passengers every month. This is helping to ease the pressure on congested airports and to ensure that the growth in air travel is logistically sustainable.

The A380 has the lowest cost per-seat of any lqarge aircraft. e.g. the 777-300 ER costs over 26% more to operate . The A380's cost-effeciveness owes much to its fuel efficiency with close to 20% less fuel-burn per seat than its nearest competitor the 747-8.

The A380 has the lowest cost per-seat of any large aircraft.Despite its size the A380 is also the quietest long-haulb aircraft. According to several noise-monitoring reports, the A380 generates half the noise on departure of the 747-400 and even less on landing despite carrying 40% more passengers.
@amit030 –twiter id follow me…………… India is super power of Aviation Industry

Airbus A350 XWB orders
Total 780 firms orders from 40 customers

Aer lingus
Afriqyah Airways
Air Caraibes
Air China
Air France-KLM
Air Mauritius
Air Asia X
Asiana Airlines
British Airways
Cathay Pacific
China Airlines
Delta Air Lines
Ethiopian Airlines
Hong Kong Airlines
Kuwait Airways
Libyan Airlines
Qatar Airways
Singapore Airlines
Srilankan Airlines
Synergy Aerospace
Undisclosed Customer
United Airlines
US Airways
Vietnam Airlines


Chronicling the wonder that is Indian election An Undocumented Wonder

Chronicling the wonder that is Indian election An Undocumented Wonder by S.Y. Quarishi – Former Chief Commissioner launched at Kolkata

Kolkata, India - The Making of The Great Indian Election – a riveting first-person narrative on the chaotic ‘dance of democracy’ authored by former Chief Election Commissioner of India S.Y. Quarashi book released today in Kolkata  by Chief Guest, Justice Altamas Kabir, former Chief Justice of India in the distinguished presence of Shri Gopal krishna Gandhi, former Governor of West Bengal officiating as Guest of Honour and Prof Sugato Bose, M.P.

Published by Rupa Publications under the imprint, rainlight, the book is just an exploratory study of the minutiae of the Indian elections – it is alive to each kaleidoscopic turn of the gargantuan electoral jamboree.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Qurashi said, “ The book is modest attempt to unravel the myth and mystery behind the geat election machine, the men and women who run it for the world’s largest democracy and the citizens who participate in it with great gusto. The book would also answer why the body of Indian knowledge and practices in electoral democracy has been spotted as a goldren resource that many democratic nations are linling up to share up to share in recent years.  He described the Supreme Court as the guardian angel of the election commission which has consistently empowered the commission to act with fierce independence.  Most of the electoral reforms for the transparency in the electoral system, like the affidavits by the candidates about criminal and financial antecedents are the gift of the Apx Court, he said.

Shri Gopalkrishna Gandhi  in his foreword has summed up,” One of the most remarkable CECs we have ever had, or are likely to have, is S.Y.Quarishi . He has given us in this volume a vivid portrayal of what makes india’s elections work and prevail over the many obstacles that confront it.”

The launch was supported of  Captain Asraf Ali Shaikh, Chairman, Our Children Foundation and NGO involved in providing free education to underprivileged children eminent city figure Mr. Imran Zaki, President, Faces (Friends of Alumni, Colleges, Educational Institutes and schools)

An Undocumented Wonder : The Making of the Great Indian Election answers these and many more questions about what has been termed often as the ‘great dance of democracy’. The book attempts to serve and satisfy the readers genuine curiosity through a first-person account of recent electoral history and the challenges encountered. Alongwith highly informative and exciting inside stories of Indian elections, the author shares his experiences and knowledge form the time when he served as the Chief election Commissioner of India.

About the book - The great Indian election continues to generate global interest and wonder, mainly on account of its uninterrupted success in the face of the obvious challenges of demography, geography, and mind-boggling diversities . How are these elections conducted ? What were the challenges faced by the Election Commission of India? How did it overcome these challenges? What are the ideals and principles that drive involved in completing this mammoth task?credit by@perfect realtions@@@ !!!