Saturday 13 April 2013

The Ka-32A11BC demonstrates its firefighting capabilities at Aerial Firefighting Conference in France

Aix-en-Provence, France / 11 April 2013As part of the Global Helicopter Firefighting Initiative (GHFI), Russian Helicopters is a sponsor of the Aerial Firefighting Conference now underway in France 10thto 11th April.

Fighting wildfires is a very critical issue in a number of European countries during the summer months. The Aerial Firefighting Conference is being held for the tenth time and it attracts industry specialists and developers of firefighting equipment for aerial quenching extinguishing from practically all corners of the world. 

Russian Helicopters is paying considerable attention to the development of helicopter models for fighting fires and has already achieved noteworthy success: the Ka-32A11BChas been recognized worldwide as one of the most successful firefighting machines. Its coaxial rotor system allows the Ka-32A11BCto perform precise manoeuvres in both cramped cityscapes and mountainous terrain and provides the helicopter with a high level of stability when hovering or flying in unstable atmospheric conditions. This design also allows the helicopter to use unequipped land sites of limited dimensions.   

A special demonstration of the capabilities of the Ka-32A11BCis planned for participants of the conference. The helicopter belongs to the Spanish operator INAER, which specializes in emergency aid, firefighting and disaster response.

The firefighting version of the Ka-32A11BCis capable of extinguishing fires via a Bambi Bucket or water cannon. The Ka-32A11BCcomplies with AP-29 airworthiness requirements and was certified by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in 2009. The helicopter is also certified in Canada, China, India, Brazil and a number of other countries. In December 2012 the helicopter received a certificate of airworthiness from Australia.

In 2013 the Ka-32A11BC was selected as the symbol of the Global Firefighting Initiative, which is aimed at improving the effectiveness of the use of specialized firefighting helicopters. Russian Helicopters announced the launch of this program at the Avalon 2013 show in Australiain February. All enterprisesengaged in the production of firefighting systems and firefighting equipment for helicopters and associated innovative technologies for improving helicopter firefighting systems are invited to participate in GHFI.

Read more about the GHFI:

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