Wednesday 2 January 2019

Radio Community Awareness workshop

                                               Photo By: R S J Thomas - Hyderabad

Hyderabad, India- Three day Community Radio Awareness Workshop organized at Centre to increase Community Radio Stations in the Country in Hyderabad recently.

Assistant Project Director, Ministry of Information and Broad casting Amit Dwivedi informed that “the ministry is working to increase the number of Community radio stations in the Country by organizing CR awareness workshop in different parts of the Country.

Chairman of UNESCO for Community Media Dr. Vonod Paverala said, “Community radio is a horizontal communication where people talking to each other people can produce a programme and raise their issues to attract the possible solutions and it will give insight to the policy makers to think for the problems of the people.”

The main objectives of the workshop was to provide detailed information on all aspects of applying for a community radio license as well as setting up a radio stations etc. officials from MIB, experts from operational radio stations provided special insights into policy, guidelines, the day-to day operations and challenges and shared their experiences of engaging with this people’s medium. MIB officials provided deep insights into the CR policy, application process, CR sustainability options and Govt. Schemes were also discussed.

The others also spoke on the occasion include Advisor Culture Affairs, US Consulate General Hyderbad Salil Kader and President CRA N.A. Shah Ansari Abdul Samad from Radio Charminar, Zahid Farooqui from Deccan Radio, Fr. Bijo Thomas from CR Mattoli, Kerala and 40 other NGOs including RSJ Thomas from Jireh Care Foundation and LN Sheeba Rajender ST. Mary’s educational Society where among those who attended the programme. Later, Certificates were also distributed to the Successful Candidates.

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