Saturday 1 December 2018

Karnataka CM Kumaraswamy inaugurates second edition of smart cities summit in Bangalore

Bengaluru, India-The SMART ASIA India Expo & Summit, which is the largest smart cities event in South India was unveiled at the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) on 4th October,2018 Organized by the Taipei World Trade Centre (TWTC) was inaugurated by the Honorable Chief Minister of Karnataka Shri H. D. Kumaraswamy alongside Mr. James C.F. Huang, Chairman of the Taipei World Trade Centre, Mr. Shekar Viswanathan, Chairman of FICCI Karnataka State Council and, Mr. Anjum Parwez, UD Secretary of Karnataka.

At the inauguration, CM HD Kumaraswamy said, “It gives me great pleasure to inaugurate the SMART ASIA India Expo and Summit. With rapid urbanization and growing population, it is high time we plan our cities for sustainable growth. Urban local bodies need to enhance their efficiency in functioning and cater to the needs of the ever-increasing population. We are implementing smart city projects in 7 cities of the state and hence, I believe that this expo is the need of the hour. I thank Mr. James C Huang, Chairman, Taipei World Trade Centre, for building his relationship with the state of Karnataka and he will have our complete support.”

Commenting on the occasion, Mr. James C.F. Huang, Chairman of the Taipei World Trade Center said, "It's a memorable moment having Honorable Chief Minister of Karnataka Shri H. D. Kumaraswamy and other Indian honored guests on the same stage in Bangalore, Karnataka. I believe that together, we can make this energetic and innovative city incredible. I have no doubt that SMART ASIA India will generate countless mutually-beneficial opportunities, forge even closer ties between India and Taiwan, and become another milestone between the two countries."

The Expo and Summit is positioned to offer more comprehensive solutions from the smart city domain. This year's show features four exhibition areas and summit themes including: 'Smart Transportation', 'Smart Energy & Water Management', 'Smart City Development & Environmental Sustainability' and 'IoT Solutions'.

This year's key exhibitors include Advantech, which is among the world's top three intelligent system suppliers, exhibiting smart EV charger, medical and retail equipment; and ACER ITS, the largest bus ticket system supplier in Taiwan with a market share of 70%, providing E-ticketing and parking solutions. Ever-Clear Environmental Engineering Corporation and Optol Technologies Pty. Ltd. will showcase their cutting-edge smart utilities solutions, including water treatment equipment and smart LED lighting. Other experienced companies specializing in smart cities development and IoT solutions, including Avision, MOXA, H.P.B., Edgecore Networks, to name a few, will also exhibit their state-of-the-art products and services, and contribute to India's 'Smart Cities Mission'.

One of the major highlights of the event is the ‘India Taiwan Smart Cities Summit’. Organised by TWTC and co-organised by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI), the Summit will welcome panelists from both India and Taiwan, who will discuss new technologies and applications, as well as the latest trends for optimizing India’s infrastructure. It will also include representatives from Asian Development Bank, TATA Group, Amazon and others.

The opening day of the Summit, which will run till October 6, featured the ‘India-Taiwan EV Business Opportunities Forum’, where the Taiwanese EV company JS Power signed an MOU with its Indian partner, to set up a joint venture and cash in on the rising demand for lithium batteries.

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