Thursday 13 April 2017


Calcutta, India - Passenger Safety is Indian Railways’ prime cause of concern and it never compromises with passenger safety. Several steps and measures have been and are being taken for further ensuring all round safety, some of which are:

*    Introduction of LHB coaches - Safety aspect has made LHB coaches extremely popular and more LHB coaches have been planned to be attached to all mail/express trains in replacement of old coaches. Safety of rail travel has received special attention.

*    Number of incidence of serious accident has been reduced due to introduction of LHB Coaches.

*     Manning and elimination of unmanned level crossings - During the year 2016-17, total 1503 number of  unmanned level crossings have been eliminated, which is the highest ever in Indian Railways.

*   1306 Road Over Bridges (ROB) and Subways have been completed. This is also the highest ever in Indian Railways.

*   484 manned level crossings have been eliminated, which is the record number in recent past.

*   Record number of bridges (750) has been rehabilitated during the last fiscal.

*   Provision of improved system of Audio-Visual Warnings for road users.

These apart, various measures to prevent rail accidents have been  undertaken.

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