Friday 21 April 2017

coffee in a measure is a treasure

Report by Mark Harris Singapore

Calcutta, India - Millions of people around the world look forward to a cup of coffee wheather at home, whilest on the more or at work. The qroma , taste and the ense of feeling "refershed " after a cup of coffee brings pleasure to many of us  qas we are about our daily lives.

Coffee is one of the most widely researched ingredients and the growing body of scientific research shows that coffeewhen drunk in moderation (four to five regular size cups a day) is safe for healthy adults and can even have beneficial health implications as part of a healthy diet and physically active lifestyle.

Medical and scientific organisations around the wqorld advise pregant women to consume no more than 300 mg of cafeine per day ( equlivaent to 3 regular size cups of coffee ) Recent Guidence from the food standards agency in Uk recomends that pregant women  limit their caffeine intake to 200 mg per day ( approx. two regular size cups of coffee). It remnains to be seen wheather this precationary bodies around the world . All sources of daily intake including coffee , tea, cola drinks energy drinks and chocolate.

source : Internation coffee broad .,@ aviationworld .in

@ twitter id : @sunrisemirror

@DNA @ silicon city News @ TRAV TALK 

Thursday 13 April 2017


Calcutta, India - Passenger Safety is Indian Railways’ prime cause of concern and it never compromises with passenger safety. Several steps and measures have been and are being taken for further ensuring all round safety, some of which are:

*    Introduction of LHB coaches - Safety aspect has made LHB coaches extremely popular and more LHB coaches have been planned to be attached to all mail/express trains in replacement of old coaches. Safety of rail travel has received special attention.

*    Number of incidence of serious accident has been reduced due to introduction of LHB Coaches.

*     Manning and elimination of unmanned level crossings - During the year 2016-17, total 1503 number of  unmanned level crossings have been eliminated, which is the highest ever in Indian Railways.

*   1306 Road Over Bridges (ROB) and Subways have been completed. This is also the highest ever in Indian Railways.

*   484 manned level crossings have been eliminated, which is the record number in recent past.

*   Record number of bridges (750) has been rehabilitated during the last fiscal.

*   Provision of improved system of Audio-Visual Warnings for road users.

These apart, various measures to prevent rail accidents have been  undertaken.

US Air Force Authorizes Extended Service Life for F-16

 Texas, USA -- The U.S. Air Force authorized extending the service life of the Lockheed Martin F-16's designed service life to 12,000 Equivalent Flight Hours far beyond the aircraft's original design service life of 8,000 hours. Following F-16 Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) structural modifications, the U.S. Air Force could safely operate Block 40-52 aircraft to 2048 and beyond. The Air Force and Lockheed Martin also reduced projected service life costs for the Block 40-52 fleet, paving the way for safe, cost-effective F-16 flight operations decades into the future.

"This accomplishment is the result of more than seven years of test, development, design, analysis and partnership between the U.S. Air Force and Lockheed Martin," said Susan Ouzts, vice president of Lockheed Martin's F-16 program. "Combined with F-16 avionics modernization programs like the F-16V, SLEP modifications demonstrate that the Fighting Falcon remains a highly capable and affordable 4th Generation option for the U.S. Air Force and international F-16 customers."

Validation of the extended flight hour limit directly supports the SLEP goal of extending the service life of up to 300 F-16C/D Block 40-52 aircraft. SLEP and related avionics upgrades to the Air Force's F-16C/D fleet can safely and effectively augment the current fighter force structure as U.S. and allied combat air fleets recapitalize with F-35 Lightning IIs.

A second phase, or Part II, of the F-16 SLEP airworthiness process continues with the request for Military Type Certificate (MTC), which will be submitted to the Air Force's Technical Airworthiness Authority in the coming months. Part II seeks to validate further extending the F-16's operational life based on final service life analysis from extended durability testing.

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