Sunday 17 May 2015

History of PADIARICS in India

Kolkata,India 26 April 2015-The Atharvaveda sacred text of Hinduism is considered to be the first Indian text dealing with medicine and contains prescriptions of herbs for various ailments which later formed a large part of Ayurveda.
Indian Ayurveda is a vast science and is divided into eight different branches(Ashtang Ayurveda) namely Kaaya chikitsa, Graha chikitsa, Shalakya tantra, Agada tantra, Rasayan Tantra, Vajeekarana Chikitsa, Shalya Tantra and Baala Chikitsa or Kaumarbhrutya Baala here means children and Chikitsa means medication.
Ayurveda has detailed descriptions of maternal and child healthcare. Sushruta in his Sushruta  Samhita had devoted a chapter to kaumarbhrutya . This was perhaps the first record of Paediatrics in ancient India.
The Atharva Veda has descriptions about childrens diseases and kaushika Sutra included Paediatrics.
Kashyapa and Jeevaka were well known Paediatricians of ancient India. Kashyapa Samhita deals exclusively with Paediatrics.
Baala chikitsa or kaumarbhrutrya is equivalent to paediatrics in modern medicine. This specialized branch of Ayurvda dealt with the diagnosis and treatment of the disease of children at prenatal, natal and post natal phases. Baala chiktsa also dealt with the problems related to pregnancy and child birth and other aspects of child growth and development.
It also helped recognize the direct link between the physical and mental health of an expecting mother and that of her progency. Apart from gynaecology and paediatrics this branch also meticulously dealt with problem of infertility.
The science of Ayurveda was so advanced that thousands of years back Charaka the great physician wrote in detail the care and management of newborn in Sarira–Sthana and Ashtanga Hridaya. Kaumarbhrutya and Prasuti tantra talk of prenatal care and also laid emphasis on neonatal care of the baby including feeding and management of illnesses in children. This included maternal care ( with respect to food, drink, leisure, restricted  work, sleep etc.) neonatal care ( cleaning, dressing, bath ) care of the unbilical cord breast feeding ( including concept of awet nurse ) ‘annaprasana’ (initial eating of solid food) daily care of eyes, skin and common symptoms in childhood illnesses.
Charaka had described growth and progress of foetus in minute details. He had even mentioned about a technique called ‘Punsanvan vidhi’ for having a child of ones desired gender, intelligence and constitution.
He also described  treatments for the most common diseases among children  viz.  gastrointestinal diseases , teeth disorders, rickets and many more. Since ages, Ayurvedic preparations have been used to bulid a healthy body strong immunity and sharp intellect right from infancy to adulthood that shields them from various kinds of diseases.- #

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