Tuesday 27 November 2012

International Meet on Plant Health Mangement for Food Security

Nov. 28, 2012 ( Hyderabad ) : The International conference on 'Plant Health Mangement for Food Security' is being held on 28th-30th Novemeber,2012 at the Directorate of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India

The event that concerns of climate change, loss of crop bio-diversity and policy issue concerning plant health Mangement through unconventional methods.

The conference hosted by Plant Protection Association of India (PPAI) regarding that emerging trends in bio-technology and Gm Crops will be discussed by International Experts with variety of ideas on a common single platform which in turn should help understand and develop better plant health management technologies for global food security. 

Agriculture is a key sector for the economy of many countries and it can be potentially exposed to deliberate attacks which can have dramatic economic consequences in the food, feed, and fibre sectors. Intentional introduction of certain microbes may have serious rebounds even on human health when the food is contaminated after harvesting of crops and processing of raw materials. Programmes aimed at attacks against agriculture and the agro-food sector through bioweapons was conducted in the past and still in recent years this kind of threats are documented. Prevention and preparedness are the two basic approaches to maximize food security against any sort of tampering, whether natural, inadvertent or intentional.

Experts from seven countries, and farmers from various state apart from large number of officials are participating in the conference.

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