Friday 13 July 2018

5th Generation Fighter Radar Capabilities for the F-16 Block 70

           The F-16 Block 70 is an evolution of the proven design of the Mid-Life Update (MLU) and Common Configuration Improvement Program and active electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar that provides multi-mode capability. The APG-83 beam agility enables inter-leaved air-to-air and air-to-surface operations that can be tailored to meet specific mission requirements and provides a state-of-the-art customizable electronic warfare system. This system supports an integrated Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) which provides RF threat awareness and Electronic Counter measures (ECM) system.

The RWR provides a wide-band digital receiver with parallel receiver resources for a high Directional Finding (DF) accuracy. Full integration with the Counter measures dispensing System (CMDS) provides chaff and flare expendable counter measures. Approximately 95% of the APG-83 suite of operating modes have been ported directly from the latest generation AESA and have demonstrated outstanding capability to detect and engage the spectrum of air, surface and sea targets even in the most challenging electronic warfare environments.
The APG-83 is 3 to 5 five times more reliable than legacy mechanically scanned radars means higher availability rates and lower sustainment costs and also provides long-range search and track capability against airborne targets, regardless of their aspect.

Multi-target track provides good track quality on at least 20 targets within 600 degrees of the F-16 nose while continuing to support a designated scan pattern.
The air combat mode automatically acquires and tracks the first target detected within the scan volume selected by the pilot. The APG-83 can detect and track fixed and moving ground and sea targets and the high-resolution synthetic aperture mode enables autonomous, all-environment precision targeting.

Most of the air-to-air and air-to-surface modes can be interleaved on a scan-to-scan basis providing the pilot with increased situational awareness and operational effectiveness and survivability. The AESA radar tracks and maintains at least 20 air-to-air targets within scan volume. When the radar is commanded to search targets with a specified search pattern, the radar can still track targets outside of the specified search pattern using extended volume target track capability.


-Greater detection and tracking ranges
-Multiple target track (20+ quality tracks)
-High-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) maps for all-environment precision strike
-Inter-leaved air-to-air and air-to-surface mode operations for improved situational awareness, operational effectiveness and survivability
-Robust electronic protection for operations in dense RF environments
-Auto target classification and cueing
-Greater system reliability and availability (3-5 times over legacy MSCAN Radars)
-Non-cooperative target recognition
-Advanced growth modes
-Terrain following
-Radar common data link
-Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR)

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