Sunday 27 January 2013

Bio-Terrorism and Bio-Defence

January 27, 2013, Hyderabad, India Bio-logical warfare is in use since a long time. Nations at war always try to inflict as much damage on the enemy as possible by destroying each other’s infrastructure, agriculture, etc. This was limited only to the warring nations that too during the war. But in this millennium these types of Warfare faces the risk of falling Terrorists can wreak have with these kinds of weapons. The greatest bio-logical threat facing the World is infect, the possible use of Bio-logical weapons by terrorists to wage economic warfare. 

The deliberate use of infections biological agents or germs to cause illness is called bio-terrorism. Biological weapons can be designed and used to injure and kill not only humans, but also plants and animals. The possibility of a Territories attack involving Weapons of Mass Destructions (WMD) chemical, bio-logical, nuclear or large explosive weapons is real now. After the strategy of Sept. 2011, every individual feeds anxious about his or her personal safety in an environment of uncertainty.

A Bio-Logical attack can also be used  to manipulate the financial markets since there can be severe consequences of being recognized as responsible for a bio-logical attack such efforts can be covert and entail an effort to make the outbreak appear natural. In the event of a war a country can use anti-auricular agents to spread terror among the enemy. Iraq claims to have produced 8,500 liters of ‘Anthrax’ and there is every possibility of some of it falling in the hands of the terrorists.

A country might consider agricultural attack for Military, Political, Ideological or Economic reasons. Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Pakistan, Syria and Sudan continue to be the State sponsors of International terrorism. The Sates that choose to harbor terrorists. Terrorists seek refuge in places where they are able to avoid the rule of Law and to travel, raise funds and operate.

Disruption of the agricultural Sector by terrorists can cause dislocation of Societies. Direct loses of plants or animals could cause food shortages, raises in food prices and unemployment. The potential for immense economic damage is high in well-planned attack by terrorists and the consequences of such an attack for the food supply, export trade and financial markets can be crippling. In the 1980’s, Iraq used chemical weapons extensively against Iran and internally against minorities.

Terrorists can carry out different type of bio-logical attacks. There is a possibility of biological attacks by terrorists utilizing food borne and water borne pathogens. It is not difficult to contaminate food or beverages which can cause many casualities.The attacks can’t be discovered easily till many people become ill suddenly terrorists can easily get away in this type of terrorism.
As a result of prolonged efforts by the International community to set-up a new instrument to supplement the 1925 Geneva Protocol, the “Convention on the Prohibition and Stockpiling weapons and on their Destruction”. With the us playing the role of world policemen how far it will succeed in controlling the spread of bio-terrorism.

Pathogens that have been identified as potential bio-logical warfare agents include those that cause anthrax, botulism, tularemia, hemorrhagic fevers and smallpox.

Anthrax : Anthrax is an acute infections caused by the spore-forming bacterium bacillus anthraces. It occurs throughout the world. The intestinal disease form of anthrax may follow the consumption of contaminated food. Early anti-biotic treatment of anthrax is essential.

Pneumonic Plague: Plague is an infectious diseases cause by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. It is found in rodents and their fleas in many parts of the world. Y.Pestis  infects the lugs. Early treatment of Pneumonic Plague is very important.

Smallpox : It localizes in small blood vessels of the skin and in the mouth and throat. In the skin, this results in a characteristic maculopapular rash and later, raised fluid filled blisters. Smallpox was responsible for an estimated 300-500 million deaths during the 20thCentury. The WHO estimates that 15 millions people contracted the disease and the two million died in that year.

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